You might have heard that decreased morning sickness means you’re having a boy. Let us know in the comments section! One way that some women are able to keep sane and ride the waves of morning sickness is holding onto the hope that this discomfort means their baby is growing. Nausea in pregnancy can range from light, infrequent experiences of nausea to extreme hyperemesis, with frequent vomiting which may require hospitalization for IV hydration and nourishment. The only way to know for sure is by taking a pregnancy test. That's related to the thickening of the vagina's walls, which starts almost immediately after conception. This does not only concern women’s health but also your baby’s. Why? (For better or worse, morning sickness can vary from pregnancy to pregnancy.). Eating foods that are rich in protein and iron can help offset it. The only way to really know if you’re having a boy or girl before delivery is through a chromosome test or ultrasound. While this means that you may welcome nausea and vomiting as a reassuring sign, keep in mind that, as mentioned earlier, it’s estimated that up to 80 percent of pregnant people experience morning sickness. Here's what to look for. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, morning sickness can be described as mild or severe:. It’s also not hereditary. Some women miss their period when they stop taking birth control pills. This has long been a debated topic, and no one really knows the exact reason morning sickness happens. You and your physician can discuss the best way to manage morning sickness and your pregnancy in general. One of the best ways to keep you from feeling nauseated is by eating frequently and in small portions. If you are pregnant with multiples or worn down from illness, stress, or traveling, you may experience morning sickness to a higher degree. This is when someone with nausea and vomiting of pregnancy has severe symptoms that may cause severe dehydration or result in the loss of more than 5 percent of pre-pregnancy body weight. A study conducted in 2016 tried to see if morning sickness is linked to miscarriage. This way, your stomach acids keep away from the lining of your stomach. Just keep reading on…. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. It’s estimated 70 to 80 percent of pregnant people experience nausea and/or vomiting. Pregnancy brings changes in your hormonal balance. Even if your nutritional health may slightly be affected by some eating disorders, you still have a reserved supply of nutrients for your baby. What does it mean if you have no morning sickness? Hormonal change is among the suspect of this queasy feeling. Fortunately, the symptoms lessen for many women at about the 13th or 14th week of their pregnancy. Ginger is also said to relieve stomach issues, so you can munch on ginger candies or make yourself some ginger tea. Miscarriage is a very real concern for many women (and their partners). An increase in vaginal discharge is normal during pregnancy. For a percentage of people, morning sickness is simply a pregnancy symptom they never experience. Another theory is that the vomiting is related to the body’s increasing hCG levels or markers of viable placenta tissue. So the fact that you notice some of these symptoms does not necessarily mean you are pregnant. Also, some women crave, or can't stand, certain foods when they become pregnant. Anything that indicates a pregnancy is not proceeding as expected can set off warning bells. This can cause one of the earliest signs of pregnancy -- spotting and, sometimes, cramping. Many factors including your hormones, level of rest, and diet can all play a role in how nauseous you feel. But if a period is late and pregnancy is a possibility, you may want to get a pregnancy test. You should also not worry about not experiencing morning sickness because it’s completely fine as long as your ob-gyn can assure your hormone levels are good or normal. What are your thoughts on the frequently asked questions about morning sickness? ", Mayo Clinic: "Symptoms of Pregnancy: What Happens Right Away. The study also showed that pregnant women who experienced both nausea and vomiting had lower risks of having a miscarriage compared to those who only suffer from nausea alone. Are you wondering if you might be pregnant? | Need-to-Know Essentials, multiple births – possibly carrying twins or triplets. This discharge, which can continue throughout pregnancy, is typically harmless and doesn't require treatment. Try these natural ways to cope with morning sickness in this video from BloomingTogether: Pregnancy symptoms, especially morning sickness, may be quite uncomfortable and can sometimes hinder you from going about your regular routine, but the journey to motherhood is worth it in the end. The nausea you feel may be frequent but that doesn’t mean you should be vomiting a lot. The information presented here is for general educational purposes only. The logic behind this is that higher hormone levels can cause increased nausea. Pregnant women who have reasonably normal body weight and good health will not experience any nutrient deficiency when having pregnancy sickness.