So it’s likely one of those. Just a thought, but might not the CPAP be forcing air into your stomach and thereby cause “gas” and bloating? Night nausea and vomiting puking every morning Severe stomach pain EVERY morning. Yup, it sucks. You should feel some relief in 5-10 days. I get stressed if I am caught without gum now so have a plentiful supply stashed here and there. Cyclic vomiting syndrome (CVS) is a condition where you suffer from sudden, repeated attacks of severe nausea, vomiting and exhaustion. My kidneys are fine, I'm not diabetic, I am given Zantac after an endoscopy showed minor irritation but it does very little. Thanks! Fasting all night will do that to you. Severe abdominal pain, with other symptoms like vomiting, back aches and pain in the lower limb have been shown to be caused by severe dehydration. It might be your labyrinth issue. Thanks for all the help guys and guyettes ! I get chills, nausea and vomiting after last meal every other week ? A big guy. I don't drink, I don't smoke, I have started gym again recently and my diet is reasonable. Experiencing both nasal congestion and morning sickness could explain seeing mucus in your vomit. Also, POST NASAL DRIP can be aggravated by GASTRO-ESOPHAGEAL REFLUX DISEASE AND/OR BY A SINUS CONDITION!!! " (it may be a good idea if you look it up as Addison's can be very dangerous and is often missed by doctors).... i did come across the following in my searching ) "17) "A COMMON and sometimes disturbing cause of MORNING VOMITING is the irritating effect of a post-nasal discharge , frequently due to excessive smoking". and i feel very uncomfortable after taking a heavy meal. Sounds like bad acid reflux. Blood sugar is usually low in the morning after many hours of sleep without eating. Or so our local CPAP NP told me once. 19 yo male, constant nausea, vommiting, and chest pains. I’ve noticed that I suffer AM nausea if I go to bed even slightly dehydrated. Check your ears. © © Copyright 2018 Healthgrades Operating Company, Inc. Patent US Nos. This wasn't always the case, because before today, I was able to eat a large meal. Just try to relax a bit and eat healthy. All Rights Reserved. Either way, that abstract was interesting to read. I'm with you shaun. You may be wrong about being wrong, Karl. Probably not what your issue is but a few with Addison's disease did say they have gotten morning vomiting. But check with your own doctor. (it may be a good idea if you look it up as Addison's can be very dangerous and is often missed by doctors).... i did come across the following in my searching ) "17) "A COMMON and sometimes disturbing cause of MORNING VOMITING is the irritating effect of a post-nasal discharge , frequently due to excessive smoking". Cyclic vomiting syndrome is a rare condition. Ablation for Treatment of Cardiac Arrythmias, Lung Removal (Partial or Complete): Open, or Resection of Lung Tumor: Open, Cardioverter-Defribrillator or Pacemaker Insertion, Removal or Repair, Reconstructive Surgery (for Breast Cancer), Watch: Depression Tips From People Who've Been There. The good news is the symptoms subside once people are rehydrated. A moderator will review your post and it will be live within the next 24 hours. As a large guy, I do have obstructive sleep apnea and use a CPAP machine every night for that. The acids seep into body's water at night, and when you start walking they spread in the blood circulation. What's The Role Of Bile Acid Sequestrants (Resins) In Treating High Cholesterol? Bowel Movement Color Changes: 3 Causes Your Stool Is Gray. Because before I took Prilosec, I used to get heartburn something fierce, but since taking that a few months ago, no more heartburn. Double dose omeprazole type agents will often relieve this along with proper diet and avoidance of caffeine, tobacco and alcohol. These symptoms come with no apparent cause. went to see the doctor and he just prescribe some antacids thats all. I sometimes vomit yellow bitter substance in the morning before taking any food, why is this? Stomach issues....constant nausea n dizziness. If you have any Addison's symptoms other than just the vomiting keep that in mind. hi i am 32 male who have nausea morning sickness since 6 years ago, i though that happens to pregnant women. Now, I take Toprol XL 50mg … Could that be related to nausea, QtM? The most common causes of vomiting prior to breakfast besides pregnancy are: Alcoholism If you want to get notified by every reply to your post, please register. I’m six foot, 250#, so overweight. Sorry, whynot but I’m not impressed with those cites. This causes sweating, feeling sick in the morning male, headache, stomach rumbling, shakiness, abdominal discomfort and vomiting. And to elaborate a bit further, I’ve seen many patients who have AM nausea who are not pregnant, and have AM blood sugars in the normal range. i also realised everytime i have a big meal or a heavy dinner i feel like i need to blurp, but i am not much of a blurper, i ***t instead. but i have to take a couple of them to make me feel better. went to see the doctor and he just prescribe some antacids thats all.Early am nausea and vomiting is usually acid peptic disease, though this history is more commonly reported by younger patients. But sometimes it just comes over me in a wave for no reason I can discern. Also, POST NASAL DRIP can be aggravated by GASTRO-ESOPHAGEAL REFLUX DISEASE AND/OR BY A SINUS CONDITION!!! "