), schießen auf (acc. I don't think much of it. As with wo-compounds, an "r" is added when necessary. That’s pretty complicated, isn’t it? You already learned how to use mnemonic example sentences when studying the. What are you thinking about? And because there are so many prepositions, it will be even harder for you to learn than the noun + article connections! Fritz is against you moving into the commune. In wen hat sich Fritz verliebt? Leipzig Wortschatz Deutsch furthermore you want to use ready-made learning cards with mnemonic example sentences for more than 150 verbs with prepositions for learning German. You can also use a signal word of your mother tongue, if the beginning of the word sounds similar to the preposition that you want to learn. When asking questions in which a preposition is used, but the object is an object, not a person, German makes a so-called "wo-compound" which is formed by combining wo and the appropriate prepositions. I’m ready for anything (emphasis on “anything”). with Mnemonics - Many German verbs are even connected with a specific preposition, these verbs are called „verbs with prepositions“. Canoo Wörterbücher und Grammatik, Usage Resources Sich Sorgen machen um is much more common than sich sorgen um, which sounds rather formal. To express one’s own worries or nervousness, one uses sich Sorgen machen with wegen [=because of]. They work like this... Ich warte darauf, daß du mir endlich die Wahrheit sagst. It’s easier for our brain to understand them and to integrate them in a meaningful context, which means that we’re able to remember them. on how intensely the speaker feels about the person s/he is addressing). Learn German Grammar With Mnemonics – The POWER-Learning-Kit! German Verbs That Take Prepositions. Them mnemonic key-words always begin with a syllable which is identical with the preposition, that you have to learn. I’m interested in going out to eat with you. There are many of these verb-preposition combinations in German (sorry). Learn German with Langenscheidt online dictionary The best solution of course is to learn the case along with the verb. I’m crazy for you (emphasis on “verrückt,” i.e. Similarly, when two-way prepositions are used in combination with certain adjectives, they no longer indicate motion or location, and so again you need to learn which case to use for each individual adjective + preposition combination. ), to think of (as in: what do you think of X? You will be able to learn this and many, many more issues of German grammar, more easily with the new reference work for German as a foreign language. What in the world are "anticipatory da-compounds"? In this non-literal use of two-way prepositions, the rule of motion (=accusative) versus non-motion (=dative) does not apply. We need a few verbs with example sentences so you can understand better; this way you have to learn these verbs: These „normal“ example sentences don’t help students of German with the learning of the prepositions. Join millions of people who are already learning for free on Memrise! Fritz? Die Studenten machen sich Sorgen um das Examen. We say, for example, "on the road" but "in the street." Wir haben uns so darauf gefreut, deinen Bruder wieder zu sehen. Start learning now! Who are you afraid of? Suchen can be used with or without nach. When learning new verb-prepositions, make sure you learn the preposition along with the verb and, if it is a "two-way" preposition (dative or accusative), which case is used. The whole verb-phrase (verb + preposition) then receives a new meaning. Note that we are using a verb "warten,"  which is used with a preposition (auf), but the object of the preposition is neither a person nor an object, but a clause (for you to tell me the truth). As is the case with prepositional verbs. Ouch, a lot more to come …. Ich bin davon überzeugt, daß du und ich für einander bestimmt sind. Ich halte nicht viel davon. Günter Grass arbeitet an einem neuen Roman. Why? Just as in English, there are specific verbs that are always followed by specific prepositions. Learning German Grammar Ready to learn 21 - 42 3. Der Tourist fragt nach dem Weg zum Bahnhof. It’s fast, it’s fun and it’s mind-bogglingly effective. The most common exceptions to this rule of thumb are prepositional adjectives with “vor,” which are usually followed by nouns and pronouns in the dative, and “interessiert an,” which is also followed by the dative. Write the sentence on a flash card and take about five seconds for each verb in order to study the example sentence consciously. Most German prepositional verbs are also prepositional verbs in English, but the prepositions used with the verbs are not always analogous. The person being answered (if specified) will be in the dative, since antworten is a dative verb. PONS Online Dictionary Worauf wartest du? If there is little in the way of predictability within one language, there is even less when going from one language to another. Ich bin daran interessiert, mit dir essen zu gehen. Verb-Preposition Combinations VCU German Tutorial Series. Ich freue micht darauf. German Punk music? If you want to find out exactly how a German verb works, you should have a look in a so called dictionary for German as a foreign language. What are you afraid of? Mein Vater regt sich über schlechte Autofahrer auf. !” but that’s not what I mean. We have been so looking forward to seeing your brother again. If in doubt, your best guess is to use the accusative with nouns and pronouns following two-way prepositions associated with prepositional adjectives. Auf specifies what is being answered (a question, an offer, a challenge etc.). Index of Video Lectures, Deutsch 101 & 102 Summer vacation? Nach is usually used if one is searching for something more abstract. ), dachte nach, hat nachgedacht, Index of Video Lectures, Deutsch 101 & 102, Common Prepositional Verbs For Which the Preposition is not Analogous to English, Angst haben vor (dat. So you imagine you’re standing before an Aufzug (elevator) and wait. Pronunciation Links Erzähl uns bitte von deiner Resie nach Österreich. These are used to express concern FOR someone or something. It isn’t finished yet! Duden Wörterbuch, General Links Glad you asked. Antworten auf is identical to beantworten, which is used without a preposition. Now you might be like “Wait, we already talked about prefixes? Note that the construction in German is quite different from English, as is clear from the following exaamples... Fritz ist dagegen, daß du zu uns in die Wohngemeinschaft kommst. I’m crazy for you (emphasis on “you,” i.e. Eine Reise durch Deutschland (a trip through Germany) Wir fahren durch den Fluss (we are driving through the river) (Expressions): 10 [geteilt] durch 5 ist gleich 2 (10 divided by 5 is 2) Used in the construction of the passive voice: Google wird durch Werbung finanziert (Google is financed by advertisements) Important verbs followed by the preposition durch: waten durch (to wade through) … There are many of these verb-preposition combinations in German (sorry). Who did Fritz fall in love with? for students and teachers, © 2008 - 2016 by Peter Heinrich, easyDaF.de, At the point I’ve marked, you find the information that the verb „warten“ takes the preposition. I took all the example sentences from the dictionary. I’m talking about Fixed Verb-Preposition Combinations. Try to picture the situation of the example sentence; visualize the situation. Just the similar sound of the signal word will dramatically facilitate the learning of the verbs with prepositions. They are less abstract than the prepositions. When prepositions are used as a part of fixed phrases (as with the German verbs with prepositions) then they often lose their original meaning. In German, a pronoun that is the object of a preposition can refer only to a person. I'm looking forward to it. All Rights Reserved. If there is little in the way of predictability within one language, there is even less when going from one language to another. ), du stirbst, starb, ist gestorben, etwas verstehen von, verstand, hat verstanden, to know something about (in the sense of understanding and/or practical ability), etwas wissen von, du weißt, wusste, hat gewusst, This would mean the students are concerned, ready, prepared, or willing to (do something), in suspense about; anxiously/excitedly awaiting. Note that in asking a question using a verb-preposition combination, the preposition must be included and can not be left dangling at the end of the sentence (unlike English). QUICK CHECK: Verb-preposition combinations, Fragen 1: Complete with the right form of the definite article. In English, as in German, prepositions are used in a variety of ways, sometimes with little apparent logic or consistency. verbs that are typically used in certain prepositions, like “wait for” or “Talk about” in English. Woran denkst du? The connection verb + preposition is very hard to learn. a German family, German Grammar Worksheets In some cases, a German prepositional verb does not require a preposition in English.