Prince Eric (husband) Afterward, Hook asks Ariel if she can get back home and she states that she will be able to use her mermaid powers by swimming in the nearby Agrabah Gulf. Er gibt ihr Bedenkzeit und wird auf sie warten. Awhile later, she enters her hut to discover Hook, Jasmine, and Aladdin have broken in and triggered one of her set traps. Disdainfully, she notices Regina is the one who summoned her. After being told Eric is also in this other land, Ariel agrees to retrieve the item for Regina in a place called Storybrooke. Hercules | Ariel flüchtet mit Snow ins Meer, ehe Regina sie aufhalten kann. White Rabbit, Secondary Heroes 2 talking about this. Following Isaac's defeat, Lilith decides to stay in Storybrooke permanently with Maleficent, at the same time, to locate her father. Da Meerjungfrauen zwischen den Welten schwimmen können, braucht Regina Ariels Hilfe, um einen magischen Gegenstand aus Storybrooke zu holen. Pongo | After expressing gratitude towards Hook for freeing her, she asks about his prior dispute with Ursula. Ariel explains the circumstances that led to Elsa penalizing Black Beard and how she herself got trapped in the bottle due to it. When Jasmine releases Jafar, he knocks Ariel, Hook and Aladdin unconscious until Jasmine manages to defeat Jafar by using a magic powder to trap him in the form of a wooden staff. He happily accepts her, but then, teasingly states that he loves mermaids cooked before transforming into Jafar and taunting Jasmine for her futile attempts to stop him. 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The two dance together, and Eric falls in love with her, inviting Ariel to join him on an expedition to Agrabah. As he gives Jasmine the last few minutes before sunset to give up on her hopes of defeating him, Ariel snatches a bottle of dust which she assumes is magical. Ariel kehrt jedoch zurück und rammt Regina die Gabel, die sie eingesteckt hatte, in den Hals. Ariel After handing the sand dollar to Belle, Ariel goes with her to the pawnshop, where she receives new clothes. King Fergus | Ariel chooses Snow White, after hearing Snow talk about her desire to escape the Evil Queen's clutches. Ariel (seasons 3–4, 6) ... Lilith, along the other Storybrooke inhabitants, is sent to the Alternate World after Isaac Heller rewrites the Once Upon a Time book, but is returned shortly afterward. Ariel recalls hearing about Hook heroically rescuing Emma and her family from Neverland, but he balks at being called a "hero". When Snow White unleashes a third Dark Curse, it does not reach Ariel and Eric's island. Once Upon a Time Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. However, Ariel finds herself separated from Prince Eric, who has been kidnapped onto a ship called the Jolly Roger . Doc | Ariel rettet sie und bringt sie an Land. Ariel Jasmine | Still really enjoyed "Ariel" for many reasons, while having a couple of reservations, and it has a lot of what makes me like 'Once Upon a Time' when it was good. After Ariel puts the bracelet on her, Snow White turns into a mermaid, just as Queen Regina arrives. Eric sieht sich nicht und tritt seine Reise enttäuscht ohne sie an, was die Meerjungfrau aus der Ferne verzweifelt beobachtet. Lady | In the Enchanted Forest, Ariel witnesses a shipwreck at sea and saves a human, Prince Eric, from succumbing to death. I'm Ariel, from the oceans of the Forbidden Forest. Then, Ariel rips off the bracelet from Snow White's wrist, reversing the effects on both of them, and they swim to safety. Eyeing the redhead's lack of clothing, Granny chides her that she'll not be given diner service for her improper attire, though Leroy defends Ariel. Ariel is based on the titular character from the fairy tale, The Little Mermaid and the character of the same name from the Disney The Little Mermaid Animated Film. Elsa | Hamish, Hubert, & Harris | Desperate to find Eric, Ariel travels to Agrabah where she meets Princess Jasmine. Auf dem Ball angekommen, erblickt Ariel einen ihr unbekannten Gegenstand, von dem sie ganz begeistert ist. She is portrayed by guest star JoAnna Garcia Swisher. The man is shocked by her transformation and begins to call her a monster, but is stopped by the arrival of Princess Jasmine, who pays for the fork and demands the return of Ariel's necklace. After bringing the unconscious man to safety, she falls deeply in love with him, but leaves before he wakes up. Poseidon | Prince Charming | Emma Swan | Er bietet ihr an, ihn auf eine Expedition zu begleiten, die er am nächsten Morgen antreten wird. Beim Auftauchen erblickt sie Eric, der auf sie wartet. Als er sie erblickt, fallen sich die beiden glücklich in die Arme und küssen sich leidenschaftlich. Queen Elinor | As Jasmine begins to, indeed, lose hope, Ariel offers the dust as an alternative strategy. Lily Page | In Neverland, Ariel is summoned by Regina and Rumplestiltskin to travel to Storybrooke and collect Pandora's Box, so that they can trap Peter Pan. Ariel is portrayed by JoAnna García Swisher. Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum | Going to Ursula for guidance, Ariel talks to the ocean waves, and she begins leaving after receiving no response, until the sea goddess rises to offer her a Sea Bracelets. Wenige Augenblicke später erscheint Regina und macht Snow klar, dass der Träger das Armband nicht selbst abnehmen kann, und Ariel erkennt, dass die Böse Königin sie benutzt hat. Wendy Darling | Anna | Jacinda | Angus | Auf dem fliegenden Teppich erblickt Ariel Erics Armee. Mr. Gold erklärt Ariel, dass sie in Storybrooke eine Frau namens Belle aufsuchen soll, damit sie zusammen den magischen Gegenstand finden. Ariel arrives in Storybrooke, and manages to obtain Pandora's Box with the help of Belle. Ariel plant sich das Geschenk von Ursula an die Meermenschen zunutze zu machen, welches ermöglicht, dass jeder Meermensch einmal im Jahr an Land gehen kann, allerdings nur im Zeitraum von 12 Stunden, von einer Flut zur nächsten. The Little Mermaid (by Regina) Zelena Mills | Ariel hatte sich in der Nähe des Schiffes aufgehalten. Ariel is now a mermaid, but once she takes Snow to a safe place, Snow urges Ariel to return to Eric and tell him that she is a mermaid. Zudem deutet Regina an, dass Prinz Eric in Storybrooke lebt, was Ariel überzeugt. She clasps the bracelet on Snow White, to which Ursula, actually the Evil Queen, interrupts. Jasmine, who is faced with the possible destruction of her kingdom by the evil sorcerer Jafar, asks if Eric has an army and, upon learning that he does indeed have a navy, offers to help Ariel find him by using a magic carpet. Dieser Text enthält Spoiler und wird deshalb nicht angezeigt. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Tatsächlich schafft es die Prinzessin mithilfe des Pulvers von Ariel Jafar zu besiegen, worauf die Anderen wieder erwachen. The two ladies attend the ball together where Snow White helps Ariel learn the name of a fork utensil. Status Als sie Snow sicher an Land zurückgebracht hat, verabschiedet Ariel sich von ihr, um zu Eric zu schwimmen und ihm die Wahrheit zu erzählen. An Land verpasst sie dem Piraten eine Ohrfeige dafür, dass er damals Black Beard über die Planke geschickt hat. Sneezy | While Hook is still disheveled, Ariel snaps him into consciousness and then slaps him as penance for previously tossing Black Beard overboard back in the Enchanted Forest. Alive Nachdem sich Snows Beine daraufhin in einen Fischschwanz verwandelt haben, versucht diese fassungslos das Armband abzunehmen und vermutet, dass Ariel nicht wirklich mit Ursula gesprochen hat. When Hook, Jasmine and Aladdin arrive at Hangman's Island, they come across Ariel, and discover that she has Jafar's genie bottle in her possession. Liste der Besetung: Ginnifer Goodwin, Jennifer Morrison, Lana Parrilla u.v.m. When the second Dark Curse is unleashed, everyone is returned to the Enchanted Forest, where Eric is kidnapped by pirates. Jedoch müssen die Frauen feststellen, dass sich Jafar als Prinz Eric ausgegeben hat, der Jasmine ein Ultimatum stellt, sich bis Sonnenuntergang mit ihm zu vermählen. Traurig kehrt Ariel zu Snow zurück und berichtet ihr von Erics Plänen und dass sie ihn nicht vor die Wahl stellen will, sich zwischen ihr und den Reisen zu entscheiden. Sie erzählt von Ursulas Geschenk und dass die Meeresgöttin seit Jahrhunderten nicht mehr gesehen wurde. After Regina takes preventive measures to undo Pan's curse, all the inhabitants of Storybrooke paid the price by returning to the Enchanted Forest. Ein Jahr nachdem Ariel Eric das Leben gerettet hat, findet sie ein Blatt Papier, auf dem ein Ball zu Ehren der Meeresgöttin Ursula in Erics Schloss angekündigt wird. Rumplestilstkin | Before going to find Eric in Storybrooke, Ariel convinces them to save Wendy. "Ariel" is the 50th episode of Once Upon a Time. Leroy, giving her a jacket to cover up, leads her to Belle at the Granny's Diner. No information Happy | Im Laufe der Ereignisse gelangen Aladdin, Jasmine und Hook in Ariels Hütte auf Hangmans Island. The King | As Mary Margart comes down from the ship, she is pleased to see Ariel and Eric are now together after such a long separation. Ariel legt ihr das Armband an. Origin Als der Abend anbricht, erscheint Jafar und zaubert Ariel fort, da er nun wissen will, wie sich Jasmine entschieden hat. Zorro. Nearby, the Evil Queen unceremoniously informs Ariel that she stole her voice. Ariel takes the bracelet off of Snow White, and they both escape. Arriving to Storybrooke's coast, Ariel attracts the attention of Leroy and the six dwarves before she walks on land and turns human. Infolgedessen erhält Snow ihre Beine zurück. Watch Once Upon a Time - Season 3, Episode 6 - Ariel: While Emma leads Mary Margaret, David, and Hook in an attempt to save Neal, Regina and Gold team up to take out Pan. The Evil Queen gives her the bracelet in order to allow Ariel to turn into a human, and also returns her voice.