If people are well informed they can make better decisions that will be beneficial to them and different stakeholders. Relationship marketing is a type of marketing that focuses on cultivating deeper, more meaningful relationships with customers to ensure long-term satisfaction and brand loyalty. This political commitment is highlighted in the three objectives. Lo, Stalcup & Lee (2010) stated that the concept of CRM has evolved over the past decades into a strategy employed by many organisations to integrate the different aspects present in the company, so that a greater understanding of their customers can be attained and ultimately, resulting in a long-term profitable relationship between the customers and themselves. The Relationship between Transparency and E-government: An Empirical Support. For example, Chinese tourists attach great significance to ritualistic behaviour such as a smile, greeting or a hand-shake as part of a service orientated experience which represents respect and importance of the guests. This was exemplified in a study showing increase in profit by 25% to 125% in a company when it retained 5% more of its customers. With these measures and understanding of customer retention in place, hotels can reap increased profits as an advantage of relationship marketing. As a form of relationship strategies organizations should know their brands because it is through knowing the brand that you are serving to the people that one can maintain and build good connections between the business and its customers. It is significant that governments funds are used accordingly to the plan because government is operating within the scarce resources. (2007) defines relationship marketing as the process in which the construction, cultivation and strengthening of strong value laden relationships with customers and other stakeholders occur. As managing multiple relationships become more complex, it is also recommended that a performance management tool specifically catered toward CRM should be established in order to evaluate the success of the CRM strategy. One of the disadvantages of RM, and especially so for global hotel businesses, is that cultural differences are not being recognized when a single approach is being implemented for different societies. *You can also browse our support articles here >, Importance of Recognising Cultural Differences, Involvement of High Costs for Training and Software, Counter Productivity of Relationship Marketing. Don’t waste Your Time Searching For a Sample, Get Your Job Done By a Professional Skilled Writer. However, it is crucial for hotels not to overlook other areas that are closely related to the concept of customer loyalty, instead of just merely focusing on the establishment of an effective CRM system. Ismael et al. Businesses must be able to track, test and refine messages and offers to deliver measurable results. 1st Jan 1970 In addition, McMullan & Gilmore (2008) noted that greater knowledge and understanding of customer loyalty may allow companies to align their management strategies to meet the different needs of its customers in a more effective manner and hence, resulting in a more profitable business. Furthermore, a motivation of whether how the strategy can be improved If the organisation does not have relationship strategies, the learner will have to develop a relationship strategy for one product or service of the organisation for two different target markets. Views 11. Hennig-Thurau, Gwinner & Gremler (2002) mentioned that customer loyalty and positive word-of-mouth recommendations are usually the two outcomes of effective RM. A different group of guests may be attracted as a result of marketing the hotel to be quiet and peaceful. The concept of customer loyalty has long been regarded as an important aspect of the integral operations occurring in organisations nowadays, as companies are becoming increasingly aware of the rewards to be reaped in the form of superior financial performance in the long run. Local government in Lesotho was established in the 1960s though it went through some transition since its formation it is still existing even to date. Type: This is not an example of the work produced by our Essay Writing Service. Published by Bangladesh Civil Service Academy. Moving decision making, resource allocation and district level planning and local development and public services physically closer to the people. We don’t believe in overpromising—if you’re looking for a marketing agency that will tell you they have the magic formula, one that will immediately cure all current marketing ailments – then we’re not the right partner for you. It is important that government staff be equipped with necessary information and skills to run their offices. In broad terms, democracy is the fundamental ideology which has basic principle that the citizens or subjects of the entire nation must be given imperative status. That is ‘‘the will of people’’. Reference this. Zeithaml (1981) reinstated that WOM creates significant impacts in service organisations because the intangibility of service made it impossible for consumers to pre-trial the product before purchasing it.