Often, you have an expectation for yourself, and if that expectation is poor, you’re more likely to feel anxious about the exam. ), Shakespeare's King Richard III - Hardcore Literature Podcast, What Is Sublime? Contact the centre for more information. If you’ve been diagnosed with a disability, including mental health conditions, the Concordia Access Centre for Students with Disabilities offers a range of support, including an accommodated exam-writing service on both campuses. Talk to someone. But DeMont, who’s also an athletic therapist, says you don’t have to be a varsity athlete to experience the benefits. If the thought of taking an exam (whether it’s at school or for a professional license) makes you break out in a cold sweat and start imagining worst-case scenarios, don’t worry. STC clients have reported 15-20% higher pass rates than the national average. If you make a purchase after clicking a link, I may receive a commission. Behind the test anxiety, you’ll find biological and mental causes. Schedule in short breaks that don’t include screen time: call a friend, grab a coffee to go or go up and down a flight of stairs. There is no quick hack to feel better about the exam that you are about to give; instead, it’s a process where you slowly face your fears and mentally prepare yourself for the storm that is about to come. This is especially important now as online exams differ in how they are administered. I filmed this video on how to beat exam anxiety for the ELAT Masterclass, but decided to make it available for everyone because so many people suffer from pre-test anxiety. Close your eyes, breathe and relax. It’s OK to take your time and go at your own pace. Discover what exam anxiety is, what causes it and how it affects you. Ana Mascara - 29/09/2017. I passed the NY State LAH exam today – I got an 81. Take a step back - is your fear or stress irrational? I felt very confident as I was going through the exam. Tips to Beat Exam Anxiety The Social 2700 Student Spaces welcomes you back to class! First thing’s first: these tips will not be the perfect antidote towards stress. “For example, when studying from home, take a moment to step outside and ask: What does the air smell like? You may feel like you need to study for as many hours as humanly possible, but at a certain point this all-in approach becomes counterproductive. Being positive. Thank you for the great review course and tips. A Change of Heart TED: How to make stress your friend | Kelly McGonigal 2. Don’t worry about your testing neighbor who writes twice as fast. You are also encouraged to read through the online exam FAQs. Exercise helps alleviate stress. Caffeine adds to stress, so stick to drinking water if you can.