Literally the ”rule of the fathers,” today sociologists view as patriarchal any system that contributes to the social, cultural, and economic superiority or … Patriarchy is the idea that in society men are dominant and this can have many effects on family dynamics. This means that the male in the family is assumed to 'have more money' as he is usually the only one in the family with a … Patriarchy is a socially-constructed system where males have primary power. Patriarchy is most commonly understood as a form of social organization in which cultural and institutional beliefs and patterns accept, support, and reproduce the domination of women and younger men by older or more powerful men. There was a very popular relationship book released a few decades ago that declared men were from Mars and women were from Venus. Men are stereotyped to be the breadwinner in the family, which means they are expected to have a full time job and be the primary source of income for the family. It affects many aspects of life, from political leadership, business management, religious institutions, economic systems and property ownership, right down to the family home where men are considered to be the head of the household. Patriarchy. How Patriarchy Affects Men and their Relationships. In more recent times there have been positive shifts in attitudes, legally and socially, … At the core of the debates on the system of patriarchy are notions that perpetuate women’s suppression around the world and outdated practices that suggest that a woman’s role in the family is subordinate to that of a man. It was found that due to patriarchy women were controlled even in the reproductive process. This book argued that relationship problems between men and women are a result of fundamental psychological differences between men and women with one common trope being that men are wired to solve problems, while women are wired to talk …