Some examples of metals that have been used include Zn, Co, Cu, Mg, and Cr. [12] A depiction of this coordination is illustrated above. All the above compounds were found to have exclusively the (Z) configuration about the double bond, as determined by proton NMR or x-ray methods. Brucine derivative catalysis with copper(I) acetate and zinc(II) triflate5. carbon chain) as well as a transition state that minimizes dipoleby orienting the nitro group and carbonyl oxygen anti (on opposite sides) each other. Kumagai and Shibasaki et al. Wade et al. The heterobimetallic complexes are also useful to promote catalytic enantioselective aza-Henry reactions. S. S. Ganesan, A. Ganesan, J. Kothandapani, David I. Smith, in Comprehensive Organic Functional Group Transformations, 1995. Synthesis of functionalized nitroalkene via glutaronitrile. Indeed, nitroenamine serves as a useful building block for constructing nitrated frameworks such as pyridones and aminopyridines (equations 81 and 82).166 Furthermore, the nitroenamine is used as the synthetic equivalent of nitromalonaldehyde, which is discussed in the next section. If dimethyl-ammonium bromide was used, chloronitromethane could not be formed and the reaction became very slow, only 10% conversion under conditions which otherwise gave 61% of the 2-chloro-2-nitrostyrene <87S1020>. L. Wang, C. Tan, X. Liu, X. Feng, Synlett, 2008, Nitroaldol Reaction in Aqueous Media: An Important Improvement of the Henry Chem. ; Oh, K. Org. Dong, Z.-H. Zhang, Z.-Y. β-Nitroamines It is similar to the A two-step Achmatowicz oxidative ring expansion delivered pyran 52, which was converted in four steps to the vinyl iodide 53. Hydroxynitrile lyases catalyze the addition of cyanide to an aldehyde, yielding a chiral cyanohydrin, such as mandelonitrile (top reaction). found that (S)-hydroxynitrile lyase from Hevea brasiliensis catalyzes the formation of (S)-β-nitro alcohols. Solved Examples on Henry’s Law Example 1. Calculate the solubility of gaseous oxygen in water at a temperature of 293 K when the partial pressure exerted by O 2 is 1 bar. Silyl ether-substituted aldehydes also serve as substrates, giving comparable results (82–80% yield, anti/syn=86:14–84:16). This reaction yields a β-nitroalcohol such as 2-nitro-1-phenylethanol (bottom reaction). Scheme 17. Nitrobenzenes with an additional electron-withdrawing group, for example, 1,3-dinitrobenzene, reveal the nitroalkene reactivity to undergo the double [3+2] cycloaddition (equation 78).161. For example, it is used to determine the amount of dissolved oxygen and nitrogen in the blood of divers to help determine the risk of decompression sickness (the bends).