He had obviously spent a lot of time looking through the Chicago Manual of Style and had concluded that their answer is “My, that's a toughie.

Change ), He or she may be used when the pronoun is the subject of the sentence, as in “He promised to come to the movies” or “She told me she would return shortly.”, The subject can be “renamed” in a sentence so that the individual speaking or writing need not repeat the name over and over. ( Log Out /  Rewriting is almost always possible, but if it isn't, then you have to make a choice. Quick & Dirty Tips™ and related trademarks appearing on this website are the property of Mignon Fogarty, Inc. and Macmillan Holdings, LLC. (the second follows the rules but sounds very formal with the uncontracted 'not'.

He and She are going out together.

Sometimes more extensive rewriting is required, and if necessary, I'll do it.

Sometimes rewriting a sentence may help, but unfortunately you will at some point be forced to make a choice between sexist, clunky, or technically incorrect! When I am confronted with this problem, I first take the Chicago route and ask if there is any way to avoid the problem. King’s ES-335 guitar is named Lucille after a woman at the center of an incident at a club he was playing in his earlier years. However, as culture changes, so does the language along with it, and many believe that the exclusive use of “he” for a person of unknown gender is sexist. [email protected].

However, the English language employs “it” as a gender-neutral term with which to refer to inanimate objects, or animate objects that are not human beings. The forms him, her and them are used when a pronoun is the object of a sentence.

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I’ll add that exclusively using “she” also seems sexist, the hybrid “s/he” seems silly and awkward, and switching between “he” and “she” can be downright confusing to readers.

“There’s America,” you might point out to a foreign friend in a plane. (do we use singular verb with "neither" or plural verb with "neither"? Can you use “they” and “their” when you don’t know a person’s sex? Grammar classes are a nightmare, not the least because many instructors within them can be pedantic, narrow, and tightly focused. In the meantime, the short story is that Chicago said it's now OK to use singular "they" for transgender people, and the AP made more extensive revisions, which are detailed here: AP Style Updates.].

[UPDATE: The Chicago Manual of Style and the AP Stylebook changed their recommendations about the singular "they" in late March of 2017. Possessive adjectives go before nouns. Many of the Romance languages, for instance, refer to objects as either “he” or “she” instead of the non-specific “it” common to English speakers. Here are a few rules concerning basic usage, and the he-she-they dilemma that plagues writers who want to use an inclusive, gender-nonspecific term. They are used only when referring to people (and in certain cases, animals such as pets, although such usage is not technically correct) and they function in a number of ways. Her popular LinkedIn Learning courses help people write better to communicate better. – rules, examples and exercises • teacher’s handout with keys included • 4 tasks • 2 pages • editable Level: elementary Age: 10-17 Downloads: 276 Possessives are of two kinds: possessive pronouns and possessive adjectives. We could write “When a student succeeds, he should thank his teacher," "she should thank her teacher," "he or she should thank his or her teacher," or something else.

Children often name their dolls and stuffed animals and use gender-specific pronouns. Copyright © 2020 Macmillan Holdings, LLC. Mignon Fogarty is the founder of Quick and Dirty Tips and the author of seven books on language, including the New York Times bestseller "Grammar Girl's Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing."

“We don’t know who started the fire,” a police officer might say, “but he will be held responsible.”, “He or she” can be used in moderation, but it cannot be used too many times at once: “he or she knows that if he or she needs to talk, he or she can visit his or her professor.”. Finally, we have the solution that everyone loves to hate—using the personal pronoun “they,” which breaks the rule that you don't use a plural pronoun with a singular antecedent. Many languages use gender-specific pronouns to refer to a variety of objects that are obviously sexless; that is, without gender. You could say, "When students [plural] succeed, they should thank their teacher." ).

Jan 26 2008 16:42:58. Today's topic is a contentious language landmine. It is understood, by both the police officer and any listeners, that “he” could refer to either a woman or a man. I’ll add that exclusively using “she” also seems sexist, the hybrid “s/he” seems silly and awkward, and switching between “he” and “she” can be … ( Log Out /  Countries are sometimes still referred to as “she” as well.

This post will be updated soon. One would not say “Dana lied so Dana would not have to go to school.”. In other words, can “they” and “their” be gender-neutral singular pronouns?

Many of the Romance languages, for instance, refer to objects as either “he” or “she” instead of the non-specific “it” … A listener named Betty summed it up best by saying that “he or she” seems too awkward and “he” seems sexist. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account.

The personal pronouns “he” and “she” are the only gender-specific pronouns in the English language. She has appeared as a guest expert on the Oprah Winfrey Show and the Today Show. But then Ken from Denver wrote in literally* pleading for help. (I specifically checked MLA, APA, and Chicago, and I know I have seen it in others. Learners of English only need to be careful in the third person singular in the present tenses (which corresponds to ‘ he, she, it ’).

Whiplash Grammar. Are we supposed to follow the second subject (HE) to determine the "to be" (is), or is it as long as there's one plural subject in it, it must use plural verb ? First, some of you might disagree that using "he" is sexist; but even if you disagree, you should still at least consider the alternatives because all of the major style guides that I checked recommend against using "he" in a generic way.

The forms his, her, hers, their and theirs are possessive in nature. Learn when you should use "he," "she," "he/she," and "they." ), (Are we supposed to follow the second subject to determine the "to be" (verb), Vocabulary Words For Task 1: Reference Post. Basic Grammar Rules for Using He and She Many languages use gender-specific pronouns to refer to a variety of objects that are obviously sexless; that is, without gender. Honestly, I don't think there is a perfect solution, and for a while I avoided the question because I knew that no matter what I said I was going to make someone angry. For years, if the gender of an individual referred to in a sentence is unknown, “he” would be used as the generic pronoun. The subject student is singular and the pronoun they is plural, so we need to use either he or she to achieve noun-pronoun agreement. She is an inductee in the Podcasting Hall of Fame, and the show is a five-time winner of Best Education Podcast in the Podcast Awards. The forms he, she and they are used when a pronoun is the subject of a sentence. Free Grammar Check All the grammar you need to succeed in life™ - Explore our world of Grammar with FREE grammar & spell checkers, eBooks , articles, tutorials, vocabulary games and more!

Using this pronoun is often clunky and results in some strange-sounding sentences. The Associated Press allows "he," but also says it’s usually better to rewrite your sentence.). Some use “they,” but this word cannot be used with a singular antecedent—it is only used with plurals. ('none' is the subject, and it is always singular) Aren't I good ?OR Am I not good? Sailing vessels, for example, have often been referred to as “she.”  Even when the ship is named after a man, such as the USS Ronald Reagan, “she” is accepted. While it is obvious to most native English speakers that “he” is masculine and refers to a male, and that “she” is feminine and refers to a female, non-native English speakers often confuse the two. These pronouns are subject to a list of grammar rules with respect to everyday usage, and the use of these grammar concepts has changed over time to reflect the closing gender gap among English-speaking nations. This can be difficult for English speakers learning a new language, because as one’s vocabulary grows, so does the number of pronouns one must recall. You might also say “It is she who lied” instead of “Dana lied” in a sentence, another example of renaming the subject of a sentence. A listener named Bryan called switching between “he” and “she” “whiplash grammar,” which I loved. (do we use singular verb or plural verb with "OR"?

Usually this involves simply making the original noun plural.

( Log Out /  Both Steve and I were fortunate enough to study grammar under a man who recognized that language is fluid and moving, and there are frequently sentences that can go this way or the other. ( Log Out /  In the first instance, the subject referred to is a male, and in the second, the subject is a female. What I wrote before goes for the subject positon. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Sometimes, using “he” and “she” to refer to inanimate objects is accepted as correct in the English language, due to tradition.