Product development; Market Penetration; Market Development; Diversification; Growth strategy falls under the purview of strategic planning which charts out the roadmap for the future growth of the … The “when” Product strategy should be defined early on — whether it is for a net-new product or an approach for enhancing an existing one. The difference between marketing and growth and the relative importance of both is so great, many firms should have leadership positions designated for each role. There are 4 main growth strategies that a business can use which include. Build your marketing foundation on firm ground and then build your growth system on top of your ever-expanding business. No growth hack, brilliant marketing idea, or sales team can save you long term if you don’t have a sufficiently good product.” I’ve helped quite a few startups with growth, but this was probably one of the rare ones where the founder’s entire focus was on organic growth, driven by customer satisfaction and word of mouth. Product vs. Brand Marketing in 2016 While the distinction between what connotes a product versus a brand is straightforward – products are objects or services that can be sold for money, while brands are the embodied personas of the companies that sell them – … Growth strategy is a strategy to win increasing market shares so that the business is always on a growing trajectory. The purpose of a marketing strategy is to define how you will promote the product, reach the right customers, and succeed in market. “Growth hacking is experiment driven marketing focused primarily on how the product is used to create growth both from the distribution and retention side. The key differentiator being the product-level focus vs. the channel-level focus of traditional marketing effort .”