Analysis of data from the largest open-access repositories for social science in the world finds that female researchers’ productivity significantly dropped relative to that of male researchers as a result of the lockdown in the United States. The overview article discusses how 'gender and development' can be seen as an imposition on other cultures, how far this is a reality, and what we can do about it. impart. However, this does not mean standing back in ‘respect’ of ‘local culture’. Analysis of all U.S. biomedical patents issued between 1976 and 2010 shows that research teams with women were more likely to produce patents addressing women’s health conditions, especially when female researchers led the teams. The definition of culture itself is difficult to pin down, and ranges from an amorphous notion encompassing many aspects of social existence, to one more specifically based on cultural artifacts and products. Entrepreneur Christy Jones wants to create a venture to help women preserve their eggs and postpone motherhood. Many organizations and job applications require individuals to assess their own ability and performance. How can these issues be tackled on a practical level? Results suggest that soft touch employer interventions can improve the diversity of applicant pools even if candidate beliefs about their own ability are unchanged. The possibility of both being true needs to be considered. Our gender experts marketplace lets you find the person you need quickly and easily, Gender and Cultural Change Cutting Edge Pack - Overview Report, Gender and Cultural Change Cutting Edge Pack - Supporting Resources Collection, Gender and Development In Brief ‘Culture’ – edition 10, Kit Actu’ « Genre et changement culturel ». Cultural impact needs to be conscious and considered, and one directed at challenging oppressive norms of gender, sex, sexuality, and north-south dynamics. This Supporting Resources Collection provides summaries and extracts on a variety of resources which address the key questions: What has gender and development got to do with culture? Harvard Business School researchers have been at the forefront of studies on gender discrimination for several decades. How Gender Stereotypes Kill a Woman’s Self-Confidence, Gender Stereotypes in Deliberation and Team Decisions. A call is made for people to identify and take action against oppressive practices, instead of standing back in respect of culture.This report features gender and development thinking and initiatives which both challenge oppressive practices and counteract north-south power imbalances. Letian Zhang offers new insight that explains why. Open for comment; Comment(s) posted. The 'culture' of the international development industry is created by structures of power and inequality. A podcast featuring faculty discussing cases they've written and the lessons they Is gender and development an interference in people’s cultures? As a starting point, a closer look is taken at what we mean by culture. Professor Debora Spar discusses the challenges of commercializing fertility in her case study “Extend Fertility: Conceiving the Market for Egg Preservation.”  Professional success requires the ability to contribute ideas, and receive credit for them. Giving women in rural India more control over household finances reduces the social stigma of working, says research by Natalia Rigol. This Cutting Edge Pack hopes to inspire thinking on this question - with an Overview Report outlining key issues on gender and cultural change in the current climate, a Supporting Resources Collection providing summaries of key texts, tools, case studies and contacts of organisations in this field, and a Gender and Development In Brief newsletter with three short articles on the theme. Researchers have produced murky, conflicting results about whether gender-diverse companies perform better than those managed mostly by men. News, trends and culture through the lens of gender from The New York Times. On the other hand, cultures are changing and diverse, and within any culture some people will oppose and some will favour greater gender equality. While explaining gender differences and their reproduction, critical, culturally sensitive theories are introduced with a focus on the power relations between the sexes. In industries that prize overwork, both men and women pay the price of missed time with family. by Vincent Pons, Vincenzo Galasso, Paola Profeta, Michael Becher, Sylvain Brouard, and Martial Foucault, by Clarissa Hauptmann and Anywhere Sikochi, by Zoë B. Cullen and Ricardo Perez-Truglia, by Katherine Coffman, Manuela Collis, and Leena Kulkarni, by Christine L. Exley and Judd B. Kessler, by Rembrand Koning, Sampsa Samila, and John-Paul Ferguson, by Misha Teplitskiy, Hardeep Ranu, Gary Gray, Michael Menietti, Eva Guinan, and Karim R. Lakhani, by Tami Kim, Kate Barasz, Leslie John, and Michael Norton, by Katherine B. Coffman, Clio Bryant Flikkema, and Olga Shurchkov, Harvard Business School Working Knowledge, Copyright © President & Fellows of Harvard College, The Challenges of Commercializing Fertility, The COVID Gender Gap: Why Fewer Women Are Dying. Furthermore, the argument that gender is a northern imposition is often used to obstruct constructive action for gender equality, even when this is led by local priorities. Women, in turn, were promoted at the same rate whether assigned to a male manager or female manager. Charges of western imposition are often made in response to gender interventions. ‘Outsiders’ need to be cautious about how they judge other people’s cultures. Open for comment; Comment(s) posted. As International Women's Day 2019 approaches, here is what they've discovered so far. But what would an egg-freezing service sell—and to whom? Global, national and local forces create the many conflicting ideas of what counts as 'local culture'. Photo Credit Franziska Barczyk. Gender Differences in COVID-19 Related Attitudes and Behavior: Evidence from a Panel Survey in Eight OECD Countries, Gender Inequality in Research Productivity During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Corporate Leadership and Creditor Recovery Rates: Evidence from Executive Gender, The Old Boys' Club: Schmoozing and the Gender Gap, Taking on the Taboos That Keep Women Out of India's Workforce, Gender Bias Complaints against Apple Card Signal a Dark Side to Fintech, ‘Chick Beer’ for Women? Survey evidence from eight countries indicates strong gender differences in people’s belief that COVID-19 represents a serious health risk and in their agreement and compliance with restraining policy measures. Field Experimental Evidence from Scientific Peer Review, Women Pay a Higher Career Price in Today's Always-On Work Culture, Gender-Diverse Companies Thrive Only Where Diversity is Embraced, Calculators for Women: When Identity Appeals Provoke Backlash. The second article on 'whiteness' calls for examining white people's cultures in order to combat racism in development. This link suggests that the dearth of women inventors might also result in fewer female-focused inventions. Finally, an article on the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) treaty and the reservations by Arab state signatories, shows how arguments about defending culture are mobilised to obstruct gender equality. This edition focuses on culture, starting with an overview and recommendations followed by two distinctive case studies highlighting practical responses to key issues. Male employees benefited from the higher rates of social interactions with their male managers. Open for comment; Comment(s) posted. The course investigates the relation betwen culture on the one hand and the concepts of gender, culture-related beliefs, gender role expectations and ideologies, different forms of sexims, gender socialization, and relationships between men and women on the other. Is gender and development a northern imposition on cultures of the south? This pack provides case studies and tools which point to practical ways forward, showing that it is possible to take action on gender and development in ways that counteract rather than reinforce the north-south power imbalances. Cultural impact needs to be conscious and considered, and one directed at challenging oppressive norms of gender, sex, sexuality, and north-south dynamics. But what would an egg-freezing service sell—and to whom? Entrepreneur Christy Jones is creating a venture to help women preserve their eggs and postpone motherhood. Open for comment; Comment(s) posted. These accusations may be accurate, or simply a politically motivated effort to obstruct transformation of gender relations, or both! Open for comment; Comment(s) posted. Conclusion. Has the Glass Ceiling Been Broken (or at Least Cracked)? New research on gender in the workplace from Harvard Business School faculty on issues including "leaning-in," gender inequity, the social and economic effects of maternal employment, and gender diversity's effect on corporate financial performance. To promote the greatest safety, public health officials should target their pandemic messaging to men differently than to women. Influence is a fundamental aspect of collective decisions. Featured within the collection are: In Brief is a six page newsletter that aims to stimulate thinking on a priority gender theme. How can these issues be tackled on a practical level? Debora Spar discusses the challenges of commercializing fertility in a new case study. Recommendations from the Overview Report. Development will always impact on cultures and development interventions always impact on gender. However, who makes such judgements is an important issue. Culture and tradition can enable or obstruct, and be oppressive or liberating for different people at different times. But the career damage is more severe for women, says Robin Ely. This examination should include issues of north and south, race, sex, sexuality and gender. Open for comment; Comment(s) posted. Yes, in the sense that much of development, including gender and development, is dominated by northern agendas. With calculators targeted to women and laundry products aimed at men, examples of identity-based labeling—or “identity appeals”—abound in advertising and marketing. Key resources, including findings and recommendations for policy makers and practitioners, Case studies which challenge cultural norms both within societies and in the development industry, Examples of training manuals, guides and bibliographies useful to those wishing to implement work on cultural change in development. Continue reading the main story. Ignoring gender in development is just as much a cultural assumption as putting it on the agenda. The sociology of gender cannot be imagined without a strong notion of the importance of culture and the ubiquity of cultural factors. Can Being the ‘Token’ Give Women and Minorities a Competitive Edge? Research by Vincent Pons and colleagues. This paper examines the relationship between executive gender and creditor recovery rates, showing that creditors to female-run firms have higher recovery rates in the event of default. Open for comment; Comment(s) posted. Stories of cultural change are told including: a local led initiative in combating female genital mutilation in Kenya; intersex activism in Bangladesh; men organising against gender violence in Brazil. Culture can be defined as the systems of knowledge shared by a relatively large group of people. Open for comment; 0 Comment(s) posted. Ignoring gender in development is just as much a cultural assumption as putting it on the agenda. This paper explores gender differences in how men and women communicate and reward each other in team decision-making problems. Instead, developers need to make space for discussion of cultures by ‘insiders’ and enable people to identify and take action against practices they find oppressive. New research on gender in the workplace from Harvard Business School faculty on issues including "leaning-in," gender inequity, the social and economic effects of maternal employment, and gender diversity's effect on corporate financial performance. The elevation . Development thinking and practice – including GAD – are themselves laden with cultural assumptions. welcomed. This brief discussion illustrates that the study of gender is intertwined with cultural concepts and factors.