I do not know ———————- he wants. 20. b)    Whom He is a person ..... you can trust well. a)    That c)    What c)    Which 2. 11. A. a)    What 1. 3. Correct! a)    Who 1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate relative pronouns. a)    That What Such Each question is followed by four suggested answers. I know..... you mean. Fill in the blanks with suitable pronouns. a)    Who Whom. 7. The man ——————— child has gone missing has informed the police. a)    Whose c)    Which d)    Such. b)    Whom Fill in the blanks with suitable pronouns. b)    Which !​. d)    Such. 3. b)    That What It is an ill wind ——————— blows nobody good. 3. It is an ill wind ——————— blows nobody good. c)    That 5. d)    That. b)    What He ……………………. b)    Which d)    Whom. This is the only one of his stories ——————– is worth reading. 16. That d)    Which. c)    Whom 16. 7. d)    What. What a)    Who 2. …, Kya kisene joker movie dekhi hai not bollywood hollywood ​, I have a dream that one day this nation with rise and live out the truemeaning of its creed.​, Thanks maggi99 for giving me ❤️ thanks! 15. a)    Who Fill in the blanks with suitable Relative Pronouns. We all trust people ………………….. speak the truth. 20. God helps those ............ help themselves. 12. c)    Which What Is this the way ..... leads to the station? Most people get ..... they deserve. There are many students here ———————- are good players. 1. 3. Whom 14. The teacher caught the boy ——————— stole the money. b)    Who 17. a) Who b) Whom c) Which d) That. a)    Whom We always like students ——————- speak the truth. 4. c)    Which Whose 18. 8. 6. There are beautiful scenario sand effective dialogues in play-The Rising of the Moon.Write​, why did the other refuse to do the hangmans work need five hundred words​, you are madhumalti xavior an undergraduate student of bcom at Miranda House. The man to ——————– I owed money demanded immediate payment. Whom (Note that who is correct in informal English) 4. 2. There are beautiful scenario sand effective dialogues in play-The Rising of the Moon.Write​, why did the other refuse to do the hangmans work need five hundred words​, you are madhumalti xavior an undergraduate student of bcom at Miranda House. a)    What d)    Whom, a)    What What c)    Why We should not depend upon ——————- a man as he is. d)    What. 13. 4. b)    Which a)    Who 3. b)    What Worried the cat. 2. c)    That You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser. d)    Whose. a)    That 12. d)    Whom. 1. 8. b)    What b)    Who a)    What b)    Whose b)    What He says ———————- he means. God helps those..... help themselves. Wrong! Students ——————– respect their teachers are good students. Fill in the blanks with suitable Relative Pronouns. c)    That Please try to understand ——————— I have to say. c)    Who 6. ———————- is done cannot be undone. Do you know what has happened? Answers 1. 17. I congratulated the girl ——————- painting fetched a prize. b)    Whose d)    As. d)    Which. 13.    Who This site is using cookies under cookie policy. 1. Fill in the blanks with suitable relative pronouns. 2. 1. 9. 10. This is ——————- I expect from you. a)    Who The man..... came here was my uncle. …, Kya kisene joker movie dekhi hai not bollywood hollywood ​, I have a dream that one day this nation with rise and live out the truemeaning of its creed.​, Thanks maggi99 for giving me ❤️ thanks! 2. Whose A. 3. d)    That which. EnglishPractice.com © 2020 - All rights Reserved. a)    That 9. b)    Which does his best shall be rewarded. 10.    Who That b)    Whom b)    Who write an sop to the university of London to enroll in an MBA programme fo Choose the most appropriate one. He is the only person —————— can help us. 19. b)    That Those ———————- the Gods love, die young. d)    None of these. Dear students and teachers: Please make sure you subscribe to the free grammar updates, English Practice – Learn and Practice English Online. 19. He ——————— does his best shall be given a prize. Fill in the blanks with suitable Relative Pronouns. 18. c)    Such c)    That d)    As. God helps those ———————- help themselves. 6. c)    Whom 5. a)    That Students ——————– respect their teachers are good students. 5.    Who !​. write an sop to the university of London to enroll in an MBA programme fo 15. This site is using cookies under cookie policy. 2. a) Who b) Whom c) Which d) That. You gave me a pen ..... is a good one. d)    That, 1. 4. d)    Whom. He always preaches what he never practices. What 1. Fill in the blanks with suitable Relative Pronouns. c)    Whom He is a man ..... you can trust Work in pairs. God helps those ..... help themselves. c)    Which d)    Whom, a)    That c)    Which What You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser. Join together each of the following pairs of sentences by means of a Relative Pronoun. Please recite ——————– you have learnt so far. 2.    Who 14.    Who c)    Which The man ——————– I trusted betrayed me. Fill in the blanks with suitable relative pronouns. 3. 11.