Council Decision (EU, Euratom) 2019/1572 of 16 September 2019 appointing a member, proposed by the Federal Republic of Germany, of the European Economic and Social Committee. 60 members under the social and territorial cohesion and community life, including: The Council may also be consulted on any economic, social and environmental issue, by the President of the National Assembly or the President of the Senate. Free movement of persons and services (Articles 46, 50 and 59); Transport policy (Articles 91, 95 and 100); Harmonisation of indirect taxation (Article 113); Approximation of laws on the internal market (Articles 114 and 115); Employment policy (Articles 148, 149 and 153); Social policy, education, vocational training and youth (Articles 156, 165 and 166); Economic, social and territorial cohesion (Article 175); Research and technological development and space (Articles 182 and 188). In addition, the Bureau of Parliament also entered into an agreement with the Committee, in the framework of the 2014 budgetary procedure, to jointly realise efficiency gains in the area of translation. B. A. - 11 representatives of economic and social activities of overseas departments and regions, overseas communities and New Caledonia; Promote a constructive dialogue and cooperation with the consultative bodies created within local governments and with its European and foreign counterparts; The Economic, Social and Environmental Council may be refered to by the Prime Minister. Conclusions of the co-presidents at the meeting of the presidents and secretaries-general of the national ESCs of the EU, Annual meeting of the Presidents and Secretaries-General of the national ESCs of the EU and the EESC - 19-20/11/2015 – Bucharest, ESEC - Economic, Social and Environmental Council of the Republic of France, The activity of the regional Economic and Social Councils, EESC - European Economic and Social Committee, AICESIS - International Association of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions. The outcome of the Dialogue will inform intergovernmental deliberations on operational activities of the UN system to be undertaken by the General Assembly in the second half of 2016. The Board is the governing body of the Council. Council Decision (EU) 2015/1157 adapted the composition of the EESC following the accession of Croatia, the number of members for each of Estonia, Cyprus and Luxembourg was reduced by one in order to address the discrepancy between the maximum number of members of the EESC set out in the first paragraph of Article 301 of the TFEU and the number of members following the accession of Croatia. 12 each for Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, the Netherlands, Portugal and Sweden; 9 each for Croatia, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Lithuania and Slovakia; The President and the Bureau, each with a term of office of two and a half years, are appointed by the Committee from among its members. The petition - signed by at least 500 000 adult persons (French citizens or legal residents) - is addressed by a single attorney to the President. By adding nine new seats for the new Member State, total membership increased to 353 (from 344). Section for economic activities - 18 representatives of associations and foundations operating in the field of nature and environment conservation; They can not serve more than two consecutive terms. The Committee may also be consulted by Parliament, the Commission or the Council on any other matter as they see fit. In certain specifically mentioned areas, the TFEU stipulates that a decision may be taken only after the Council or Commission has consulted the Committee. The maximum number of EESC members allowed by the Treaty of Lisbon is 350 (Article 301 of the TFEU). - 15 qualified personalities chosen for their experience in the social, cultural, sports and science fields, the social housing sector or for their work for disabled or retired people; 33 members under the protection of nature and the environment, including: ECOSOC was Promote, through its composition, the dialogue between occupational groups with different concerns, who get together and develop proposals in the public interest; 3. Finally, the Council may be referred to, for any economic, social and environmental issue, by means of petition. These areas are: 2. The members of the Committee are appointed by the Council by qualified majority, on the basis of proposals by the Member States. To help prepare its opinions, it has six specialised sections for the various fields of EU activity (and can set up subcommittees to deal with specific subjects): Agriculture, Rural Development and the Environment (, Economic and Monetary Union and Economic and Social Cohesion (, Employment, Social Affairs and Citizenship (, The Single Market, Production and Consumption (, Transport, Energy, Infrastructure and the Information Society (. © 2020 International Drug Policy Consortium, Weekly Asia-Pacific News Digest in English, A global network promoting objective and open debate on drug policy. It is elected by the Assembly at each renewal and at mid-term. It may also issue opinions on its own initiative. - 27 representatives of private industry, trade and services; ECOSOC serves as the central forum for discussing international economic and social issues and formulating policy recommendations addressed to member states and the United Nations system. It is the UN’s largest and most complex subsidiary body. Method of appointment (Article 302 of the TFEU). Opinions, reports and studies are published in a special edition of the official journals, available either by subscription or by single copy. The 233 members of the Council are divided into nine permanent sections and three delegations; each section has at least one representative from each group. They are also available on the website, © CESlink 2016 To Top | Sitemap | Contact us, Rapport annuel sur l'état de la France - Réconcilier la France. The Bureau evaluates the petition and decides on its admissibility; within one year, the Council must decide, by an opinion adopted in a plenary session, on the issues raised in the admissible petitions and the actions to take. On average, the EESC delivers 170 advisory documents and opinions a year (of which about 15% are issued on its own initiative). The topics addressed by the Council result either from a government request, from the request of a chairman of a meeting, from the request of citizens or from its own initiative. They may also prepare studies that are subject to the approval of the Board; for this they gather the necessary documentation and may organise hearings of competent personalities; meetings are held in camera. Its members are not bound by any instructions. The Committee adopts its own rules of procedure. The sections are: Section for Social Affairs and Health The members of the Committee are nominated by national governments and appointed by the Council for a renewable five-year term of office (Article 302 of the TFEU).