The two women publicly debated … Draft script for a mock debate between Phyllis Schlafly v. Betty Friedan This is a fictionalized debate script designed for performance, and is not to be taken as historical fact. A curtain rises to a stage dressed for guests, modestly yet meticulously decorated with flowers and well-polished podiums. The Schlafly vs. Friedan Debate In Episode 4, we see Schlafly go head-to-head on a debate stage with Friedan, resulting in both women making heated attacks. Friedan really did tell Schlafly she’d like to burn her at the stake As portrayed in “Betty,” many feminist leaders felt that engaging with Schlafly only helped feed her celebrity. In May 1973, Phyllis Schlafly (Cate Blanchett) faced off against Betty Friedan (Tracey Ullman) in Bloomington, IL. Phyllis Schlafly, portrayed by Cate Blanchett on Mrs. America, was a leading architect in blocking the passage of the ERA.

Much of Episode 4 of Mrs. America focuses on the debate between Betty Friedan and Phyllis Schlafly. Friedan, who is shown to have a fiery personality in Mrs. America, lost her cool during a May 1973 debate between Friedan and Schlafly at Illinois State University. In the episode, Friedan was besting Schlafly for most of the debate, after Schlafly … Ms. Friedan is on the left, Mrs. Schlafly on the right.