In this article, we discuss the different meanings of aspiration and describe causes, risk factors, and complications. Dysphagia can also result from other health problems. He had to put a tube down my nose to examine me.

Pneumonia needs to be treated with antibiotics. When aspiration results from a medical condition, such as a stroke, speech therapy may help to improve a person’s swallowing reflex and lower their risk of aspiration. This is an infection of the lungs that causes fluid to build up in the lungs. A swallowing study including a modified barium swallow study or a flexible endoscopic evaluation of swallowing may be performed to confirm the diagnosis of aspiration. During a modified barium swallow study, swallowed contents may be seen to travel between the vocal folds into the lungs. It may be food, liquid, or some other material. Laryngotracheal separation – In this surgery a tracheotomy is performed. Other possible complications from dysphagia include: These problems can reduce your level of independence. For people aspiration pneumonia, a doctor may prescribe antibiotics to help clear the infection. Inhaling harmful substances can lead to complications such as pneumonia. A flap of tissue called (the epiglottis) sits over the top of the trachea. The health condition, called pulmonary aspiration, happens when a person accidentally inhales a foreign substance, such as food or drink, into their lungs.

Aspiration can cause pneumonia, or lung infection which causes shortness of breath, and lead to other infections and possibly death. Symptoms of aspiration in children may not be the same as those in adults and can include: Risk factors for aspiration in children can include: Treatment options for children with chronic aspiration can include GERD medications, speech or occupational therapy, and surgery. This typically results from a problem with the swallowing reflex or a lack of tongue control. You may also need to be checked if you had a stroke. California's premier laryngologist dedicated to helping patients with voice, swallowing, and breathing conditions. The damage can sometimes be severe.

The respiratory and digestive tracts are separated and food and saliva can longer enter the airway.
A doctor may also perform aspiration to take a sample of fluid and test it for signs of infection, cancer cells, or the presence of certain substances. Or it may come back up from the stomach. When you swallow food, it passes from your mouth down into your throat. Dr. Verma asked me to go to somewhere else for the treatment. This also removes a person’s normal ability to speak. Although there is no infection, chemical pneumonia causes inflammation and symptoms similar to those of aspiration pneumonia. However, if the substance even partially blocks the windpipe or irritates the lungs, it can lead to: Usually when a person eats or drinks, the food or liquid moves from the mouth into the throat and down through the esophagus, or food pipe, into the stomach. All the Dr's, Nurse's & Staffs of the UCI are amazing!! If an object, such as a piece of food, is still in the lungs, the doctor may recommend a bronchoscopy. However, it has been shown that despite this barrier some contents are still aspirated. During the procedure, a doctor uses a suction tube or needle to remove fluid from part of a person’s body. The trachea above is closed off. Dr. Verma and his staff were totally professional. Pulmonary aspiration is a condition that occurs when someone inhales a foreign material, such as food or drink, into their lungs. This flap blocks food and drink from going down into the trachea when you swallow. It may be food, liquid, or some other material. Dr. Verma is absolutely amazing! Tracheotomy – A tracheotomy does not treat the cause of the aspiration; however it may assist in two ways.

Some health conditions can also increase a person’s risk of pulmonary aspiration. This may include doing things such as: As you recover, you may need to use fewer of these methods. One is a medical condition, and the other is a procedure, so it is helpful to understand the difference. I always get in earlier than my appointment time. Your signs and symptoms may depend on how often and how much food or drink you aspirate. Know why a test or procedure is recommended and what the results could mean. Dietary and lifestyle changes can also help treat chronic aspiration. I highly recommend him!! The SLP may ask about what foods or drink cause problems, and when your symptoms occur. A stomach tube, or G tube, is surgically placed to allow feeding to occur, bypassing the mouth throat and larynx. © Copyright 2020 Southern California Throat Disorder, All rights reserved. You may be at risk for aspiration from dysphagia if you have any of these medical conditions: Aspiration from dysphagia can cause signs and symptoms such as: Signs and symptoms can happen right after eating. Aspiration can occur before, during, or after the act of swallowing. This journey is made possible by a series of actions from the muscles in these areas. Certain medical conditions, including dysphagia and GERD, can increase a person’s risk of aspiration. Your healthcare provider will ask about your medical history and symptoms. In some cases, surgery may be able to treat the cause of dysphagia. Most people occasionally experience pulmonary aspiration when something they are eating or drinking “goes down the wrong way.”. For people with chronic aspiration, the doctor will focus on treating the underlying cause. Saint Luke’s Concierge: 816-932-5100, Conditions that lead to less saliva (such as Sjogren’s syndrome), Parkinson’s disease or other neurologic conditions, Blockage in the esophagus (such as a growth from cancer), A history of receiving radiation or chemotherapy to the throat or neck for cancer, Feeling that food is sticking in your throat or coming back into your mouth, Coughing while drinking liquids or eating solids, Feeling congested after eating or drinking, Having a wet-sounding voice during or after eating or drinking, Shortness of breath or fatigue while eating, Changing your diet (such as thickening liquids or not having liquids), Changing your position while eating (such as eating upright, tilting your head back, or bending your neck forward), Doing exercises to strengthen your lips and tongue, Getting dental treatment (such as dentures) when needed, Sitting with good posture when eating and drinking, Doing oral exercises as advised by the SLP, Making changes to your diet as advised by the SLP, Asking your healthcare provider for other advice to prevent aspiration in your case. Any medical information published on this website is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional, COVID-19: Cell phone data reveals ‘superspreader’ venues, COVID-19 live updates: Total number of cases passes 52.1 million. The symptoms of dysphagia also need to be managed. Aspiration can also occur while a person is having surgery under anesthesia. During flexible endoscopic evaluation of swallowing colored food products may be seen to travel into the trachea. All in all it was a very good experience. If you have any symptoms of dysphagia, you need to be checked for aspiration. Know how you can contact your provider if you have questions. These can help to find the cause of your dysphagia.

Pulmonary aspiration is a condition that occurs when a person inhales a foreign substance into their windpipe and lungs. Aspiration is when something enters your airway or lungs by accident. In theory, this is a reversible procedure. Symptoms of aspiration pneumonia can include: When aspiration involves toxic fumes, chemical pneumonia can develop. This can cause serious health problems, such as pneumonia.
I came in from Palm Springs and it truly was worth the ride. They may also cause or lengthen a stay in the hospital.

You may also need 1 or more tests. There are numerous reasons for aspiration and it is best to treat the cause of the aspiration. Most people occasionally aspirate something into their lungs, and certain issues can increase this risk. They are very polite, loving, kind, and all around great Team!! For example, when a person aspirates something that contains harmful bacteria into the lungs, this can lead to infection and inflammation, which characterize a condition called aspiration pneumonia. During this procedure, a healthcare professional will insert a tube with a camera down a person’s throat and into the lungs to remove the foreign material. MNT is the registered trade mark of Healthline Media.