Area of quadrilateral PQRS is equal to the sum of the area of triangle PSR and the area of triangle PQR. Area of a Quadrilateral | Solved Questions. Copyright © 2018-2021; All Rights Reserved. Whereas, the Solid Geometry is concerned in calculating the length, perimeter, area and volume of various geometric figures and shapes. Thus, the area will be the product of base and height. Draw a perpendicular each from the other two vertices, Area of quadrilateral ABCD = Area of △ABC + Area of △ADC, So, area of quadrilateral ABCD = (½ × AC × BE) + (½ × AC × DF). To evaluate the area of a parallelogram, draw a perpendicular from one of the vertices to the base. The Plane Geometry deals with shapes such as circles, triangles, rectangles, square and more. For the computation of area, there are pre-defined formulas for squares, rectangles, circle, triangles, general quadrilaterals etc. A(x1,y1), B(x2,y2), C(x3,y3), D(x4,y4) are verticies of a quadrilateral either convex or concave (one of the internal angle greater than 180 degrees) taken in order, then we can use the following elegant formula for calculating it's area. How to Calculate the Area of a Quadrilateral, Properties of Rhombuses, Rectangles, and Squares, Interior and Exterior Angles of a Polygon, Identifying the 45 – 45 – 90 Degree Triangle. \[\begin{array}{l}A\left( { - 3,\;1} \right), & B\left( { - 1,\;4} \right)\\C\left( {3,\;2} \right), & D\left( {1,\; - 2} \right)\end{array}\]. The measurement is done in square units with the standard unit being square metres (m2). Because, the area of the quadrilateral is never negative. We saw some very simple problems involving the distance formula, and a few applications involving triangles and quadrilaterals. Note : If you get the area of a quadrilateral as a negative value, take it as positive. We represent it as: The real-life application of quadrilaterals and its area are highly useful in the fields of design, agriculture, and architecture. of the quadrilateral ABCD in order (counter clockwise direction) and write them column-wise as shown below. Trapezium. The area of the quadrilateral is the space occupied by the shape quadrilateral in the two-dimensional space. These four points are the vertices of a quadrilateral: How do we calculate the area of this quadrilateral using the coordinates of the four vertices? Generally, a quadrilateral is the combined form of a regular or an irregular triangle. In the given rhombus ABCD, the point of intersection of these diagonals is E. Thus the area of the rhombus is: Area of rhombus ABCD = Area of △ABC + Area of △ADC, ⟹  Area of rhombus ABCD = (½ x AC x BE) + (½ x AC x ED), ⟹  Area of rhombus ABCD  = ½ x AC (BE + ED), Using this relationship we can also find the area of a square ABCD, Area of square ABCD = Area of △ABC  + Area of △BCD, ⟹ Area of △ABC  = ½ * AC * AC (as AC = AB), Since, AC = CD, Area of △BCD  will be ½ * AC2, Thus, area of square ABCD  = 2 * (½ * AC2) = AC2. In the following figure, quadrilateral ABCD has been divided into \({\rm{\Delta ABD}}\) and  \({\rm{\Delta ADC}}\). (BS) Developed by Therithal info, Chennai. Every quadrilateral has 4 vertices and 4 sides enclosing 4 angles. always take the area of quadrilateral as positive. Coordinate Geometry Area of Triangle and Quadrilateral formula 2 Day 1 – Using Coordinate Geometry To Prove Right Triangles and Parallelograms Proving a triangle is a right triangle Method 1: Show two sides of the triangle are perpendicular by demonstrating their slopes are opposite reciprocals. It is defined as the region occupied inside the boundary of a flat object or figure. They are also known as “Quadrangle” and “Tetragon” (four and a polygon). How many triangles Add the diagonal products x2y1, x3y2, x4y3 and x1y4 are shown in the dotted arrows. A quadrilateral is a four-sided polygon, having the sum of interior angles equal to 360o. The area of the quadrilateral is never negative. So, area of the given quadrilateral is 28 square units. For the quadrilateral ABCD, if we use centimeter as the unit of measurement, the unit of measure for the area will be cm 2. First, you don’t need a separate formula for the rectangle because a rectangle is a parallelogram, and thus you can use the parallelogram formula for a rectangle. }}\;{\rm{units}}\end{align}\], \[\begin{array}{l}{\rm{Area}}\left( {ABCD} \right)\\ = {\rm{Area}}\;\left( {\Delta ABC} \right) + {\rm{Area}}\;\left( {\Delta ADC} \right)\\ = 8 + 11 = 19\;{\rm{sq}}{\rm{.}}\;{\rm{units}}\end{array}\]. Notice that we proved three points to be collinear (and others geometric results) by using only algebraic expressions and equations. To find the area of a quadrilateral, we divide it into )/2 or A = (d 1 × d 2)/2 1 × Diag 2. That is, we always take the area of quadrilateral as positive. We divide the quadrilateral in two triangles (using either of the diagonals), calculate the (positive value of) the areas of each triangle, and add these values to obtain the total area. If ABCD is a quadrilateral, then considering the diagonal AC, we can split the quadrilateral ABCD into two triangles ABC and ACD. A quadrilateral is a polygon we obtain by joining four vertices, and it has four sides and four angles. The area of a rectangle using the above formula will yield the product of its two adjacent sides, base and height. Thinking Corner: If the area of a quadrilateral formed by the A quadrilateral, in general, has sides of different lengths and angles of different measures. For example: To find the distance between A(1,1) and B(3,4), we form a right angled triangle with A̅B̅ as the hypotenuse. (–a, –a), where a ≠ 0 is 64 square units, then identify That is, we So, area of the given quadrilateral is 28 square units. Because, the area of the quadrilateral is never negative. What is the Distance Formula. Since a rhombus is just a special kind of kite where the sides are the same length, you can use the diagonal rhombus area formula to find a kite's area as well. For the quadrilateral ABCD, if we use centimeter as the unit of measurement, the unit of measure for the area will be cm. =  (1/2) x  {[20 + 6 + 9 - 4] - [6 - 15 - 4 - 12]}. 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There are only five formulas because some of them do double duty — for example, you can calculate the area of a rhombus with the kite formula. Kite Draw a diagonal AC connecting two opposite vertices of the quadrilateral ABCD. As a reminder, diagonals are the straight lines between two opposite corners on the kite. In the given quadrilateral ABCD, the side BD = 15 cm and the heights of the triangles ABD and BCD are 5 cm and 7 cm respectively. Some examples of the quadrilaterals are square, rectangle, rhombus, trapezium, and parallelogram. Consider a quadrilateral PQRS, of different(unequal) lengths, let us derive a formula for the area of a quadrilateral. Required fields are marked *, \(\frac{PR \times h_{1}}{2} + \frac{PR \times h_{2}}{2} = PR \left ( \frac{h_{1}+ h_{2}}{2} \right )\), \(= \frac{1}{2} PR \times (h_{1}+ h_{2})\), Frequently Asked Questions on Area of Quadrilateral. Your email address will not be published. What is Area of a Quadrilateral? The area of the quadrilateral is never negative. Find the area of the each quadrilateral whose vertices are that is, the area of any convex quadrilateral. To find area of the quadrilateral ABCD, now we have take the vertices A(x1, y1), B(x2, y2), C(x3, y3) and D(x4, y4) of the quadrilateral ABCD in order (counter clockwise direction) and write them column-wise as shown below. The quadrilateral area formulas are as follows: Note: The median of a trapezoid is the segment that connects the midpoints of the legs.Its length equals the average of the lengths of the bases. The area of a polygon refers to the space occupied by the flat shape. To find the area of a rhombus, we divide the quadrilateral into two equal isosceles triangles using the two diagonals. (See Heron's Formula). Subtract (2) from (1) and multiply the difference by 1/2 to get area of the quadrilateral ABCD. with BYJU’S- The Learning App. That is, we always take the area of quadrilateral as positive. The answer is simple. Thus, the plots ordered by increasing areas will be: I, III and II. To evaluate the area of a quadrilateral, we divide it into two basic geometric figures, such as, We can calculate the area of different types of quadrilaterals by using the given formula.