), , devices often used in the past to sterilize medical instruments, operated much in a similar way – higher pressure, thus higher boiling point, Those particles with highest KE escape first, Turning down the source of external heat drops the liquid’s temperature below the boiling point, Supplying more heat allows particles to acquire enough KE to escape- the, temperature does not go above the boiling point. 0000006340 00000 n  Here is chapter 13! - Chapter 17 Classification of Matter Granite Section 1 Composition of Matter Substance: Either an element or a compound. 0000009357 00000 n For a limited time, find answers and explanations to over 1.2 million textbook exercises for FREE! the assumptions of the “kinetic theory” as it applies to gases.    Chapter 13 Concept Map:   Kinetic theory and other kinetic-y things   For this chapter, you will need to know about kinetic energy. After you enable Flash, refresh this page and the presentation should play. Introducing Textbook Solutions. - the change of a substance from a solid directly to a vapor, without passing through the liquid state, Examples: iodine (Fig. Use these activities to help yourself learn the vocabulary and major concepts presented in this chapter. CHAPTER 13,States of Matter (continued) SECTION 13.3 THE NATURE OF SOLIDS (pages 396–399) This section describes the highly organized structures of solids, distinguishes between a crystal lattice and a unit cell, and explains how allotropes of an element differ. 0000038091 00000 n 13.13, page 399, (also called “buckyballs”) arranged in hollow cages like a soccer ball, of carbon, because all are made of pure carbon only , and all are solid, are two or more different molecular forms of the same element in the same physical state, Not all solids are crystalline, but instead are, solids lack an ordered internal structure, Rubber, plastic, and asphalt are all amorphous solids- their atoms are randomly arranged, Another example is glass- substances cooled to a rigid state without crystallizing, Glasses are sometimes called supercooled liquids, The irregular internal structures of glasses are intermediate between those of a crystalline solid and a free-flowing liquid, Do not melt at a definite mp, but gradually soften when heated, When a crystalline solid is shattered, the fragments tend to have the same surface angles as the original solid, By contrast, when amorphous solids such as glass is shattered, the fragments have irregular angles and jagged edges. For that reason, liquids and solids are known as the condensed states of matter Water in an open vessel or puddle eventually goes into the air Fig. %PDF-1.4 %���� within the particles- this is potential energy, and does not raise the temperature, Remaining energy speeds up the particles (increases average kinetic energy)- thus, The particles in any collection have a wide range of kinetic energies, from very low to very high- but most are somewhere in the middle, thus the term, The higher the temperature, the wider the range of kinetic energies. Chapter 13 - States of Matter - 13.1 The Nature of Gases - 13.1 Lesson Check - Page 424: 3 Answer The kinetic theory assumes that gases are tiny particles with insignificant volume and are always in rapid, constant, random motion. 0000005847 00000 n Title: Chapter 13: States of Matter 1 Chapter 13 States of Matter. Collisions are perfectly elastic- meaning kinetic energy is transferred without loss from one particle to another- the total kinetic energy remains constant, The first device for measuring atmospheric, pressure was developed by Evangelista Torricelli. 13 - States of Matter.pdf - States of Matter Matter and Its States Lesson Plan Guiding Question:\u200b If ice water and steam are all made of H\u200b2\u200bO, If ice, water, and steam are all made of H, O molecules, then what makes them so different from each.